Coming Up: Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival

Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival

We’re still taking personal health and safety precautions in 2021.  And slowly, surely, and safely, entertainment options continue to return the fold. If you want to treat yourself to a fun time, consider getting your tickets for the Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival. Their first show will start soon on March 18!

More on the Springer Opera House

The Springer Opera House bears the name of its creator: Francis Joseph Springer. He enjoyed a particularly diverse career, working in groceries and starting the theater. They say that after you feed the body, you need to feed the mind, so that makes perfect sense.

Springer first opened his theatre in 1871. Then, in 1901, he helped update the theatre, raising its seating capacity to suit more than 1,000 people.

Over time, movies experienced an exponential growth, supplanting theatres. Eventually, Springer was losing more money than he earned with the theatre.

Martin Theatre ended up buying the Springer Opera House, but they experienced low profits too. Eventually, attendance slowed more and more, until it came time for a possible demolition.

Though this could have spelled the end for the Opera House, the institution finally earned a lucky hand. Volunteers protected and updated the building. They even added The McClure Theatre in 2013!

The Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival

If you’ve ever been to the Springer Opera House, you probably noticed that the building is home to not one, but two whole theatres. The first, The McClure Theatre, has room for 380. As for the second, Emily Wooduff Hall, it fits 680. However, COVID-19 concerns make indoor theatergoing a lot less feasible. That’s where the Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival comes in to save the day.

Instead of putting on shows in a confined area, they will hold their performances outside. They created an outdoor amphitheater with distanced seating. Plus, for those of us who still wish to stay home, the theatre will stream their shows.

Safety Reminders

We can all protect our community! Masks will be mandatory at the festival—so make sure to wear yours. They will also check your temperature. Additionally, please stay six feet or further from those not in your household and abide by their distanced seating. Last but not least, listen to all posted signage and employee directions. Thank you for taking care of us all!

You can also see their COVID-19 policies here.

Shows on the Schedule

First up on the schedule? “Singin’ in the Rain!” Some of their other upcoming shows include:

  • “Click Clack Moo”;
  • “Planes Trains and Things that Go Zoom”;
  • “Curious George and the Golden Meatball”; and
  • “Spam-A-Lot.”

Check out their full schedule here.

Visiting Details

Starting on March 18, the Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival will begin. You can order your tickets online here. If you choose to attend in person, you can find the theatre at 103 10th Street in Columbus.


Virtual or in-person? The choice is yours! Either way, you can expect a sensational show at the Springer Outdoor Theatre Festival.

If online life suits you just fine, we have some good news. You can apply for your Brookwood Park apartment, right from your computer! See our floor plans and application info here.

As for learning more about local events, our blog updates each month. Read it here!